This is February. Rasdan punya. Haha. taken from fesbuk.
* Abstract thoughts
* Loves reality and abstract
* Intelligent and clever
* Changing personality
* Temperamental
* Quiet, shy and humble
* Honest and loyal
* Determined to reach goals
* Loves freedom
* Rebellious when restricted
* Loves aggressiveness
* Too sensitive and easily hurt
* Showing anger easily
* Dislike unnecessary things
* Loves making friends but rarely shows it
* Daring and stubborn
* Ambitious
* Realizing dreams and hopes
* Sharp
* Loves entertainment and leisure
* Romantic on the inside not outside
* Superstitious and ludicrous
* Spendthrift
* Learns to show emotions
Meh nak komen sikit. Yes, part quiet, shy and humble tu betul. Mmg most of the time dia xbyk ckp. Kalo kentut pun secara diam2. haha :P
What??loves aggressiveness?me likey tis one. aha. i wish kalo i tampar dia, mesti dia akan suka kan?mungkin la. haha
Too sensitive?hurm agak la. kalo i sentap, dia 10 kali nak sentap balik. lps tu bila i call dia jwb tapi pura2 xnk lyn. jual mahal. kalo mase pujuk i dia, i ada slh ckp sket, hah, dia sentap balik. last2 da mls. lantak kau la. terus dia ok plak. haish. gedik betul.
Stubborn pun mmg tepat sekali. degil dia tu xtaw la nk bandingkan dgn apa. ingat lg the first time kami watch movie. mase tu i pkai baju kurung. haha, bru balik kelas katekan. ahax. mase tu i nk tgk high school musical. tp dia ttp degil nak tgk citer jebon quantum solace dia tu. i pujuk2 dia xmaw. last2, i tdo dlm movie dgn aman.
Showing anger easily tu kadang2. kalo i driving, dia selalu tidur dgn bantal strawberi. Lepas tu, i mesti akan tarik2 rmbut dan jerit2 suh bangun. dia bangun, tp muka ketat mcm nk ngamuk je. pastu trik2 bantal strawberi i tanda protes. walapun dia kelihatan comel dlm keadaan begitu, tp i kena la cover kn. ahax.
Dislike unnecessary things hmm yeap. betul. even if nak beli brg, he will ask me, "Perlu ke nak beli benda ni? Jgn membazir blh tak?" and i ni jenis yg tak boleh ada tangan kt duit. suka beli menda2 yg ngarut2 dan tak perlu.
Romantic on the inside not outside is totally true!!! He rarely shows yg dia tu sweet talker, romantik ke apa. mmg tak! kalo keluar gi kfc ke, dia bukak pintu terus tutup. i selalu terhantuk pale kt pintu. mmg dia tak romantik kt luar. tp i xkesah. syg jugak kan.
Most of them are true. xkn nk describe sesatu. i bg cth yg paling selalu terjadi. ok bye