♥ Assalamualaikum, Jemput Masuk! :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

.no title.

I'm done working on textbook evaluation checklist for Form 1..serioulsy, i am extremely sleepy rite now..plus i haven't iron my outfit tok kelas pg besok..i juz hate morning class esp on monday..letarghic + a bit blur + sleepy n bla bla...

Cpt la cuti cny...poket da kering..org len sume ngah berseronok dgn ptptn yg dorg dapat..ak??ptptipu pown tade..haha..

this week will be a very busy week..i guess so la..pektis dancing masquerade nye..tp pape pown xsbr nk tggu jumaat neh...my dad akan pick me up balek raub..rse pelik bile my dad willing to come n fetch me here..slalu nye dy kn argue2 dgn ak..pastu end up dgn balek sndri jugak..heee

okay..till then..goodnite uols..assalamualaikum =)

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