♥ Assalamualaikum, Jemput Masuk! :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Last Day Baby!

A long hiatus. but not so long :P anyone miss me? oke oke. takde siapa. i tahu. tehee. this is my last day in school. 3 months in school. i learn so many great things. but everything its going to the end soon. i am going to miss my teaching classes with the noti2 kids. eh eh teacher pulak yang sentap. i received so many lovely goodbye cards. thank you so much. sampai skrg i tak bubuh kt blog ni hah gmbr. later yeh. busy update record file of teaching ni. segala benda tok nenek mahu di masuk kan ke dalam file. okay, a short entry here. will update later. see you then. salam :)

p/s: pak mahat kata dia akan menitiskan air mata terharu dan menggeletis dgn gembiranya pasal budak2 form 4 dia buat farewell party. i tak sabar nak tengok air mata dia berguguran ke bumi. aha.

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